Coffee Break with Sabra is the...Perfect Coffee Break for Busy People

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New Monthly Topics with Experts in the areas of Finance/Money, Relationships and Real Estate! Don’t Miss a Single One!!

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Each month we interview experts in the fields of real estate, family law, divorce, prenuptial agreements, relationships, money, finance and more and answer your burning questions in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee.
Examples of past “Coffee Break” guests:
Jonathan Goldberg, a mortgage specialist with Sterling National Bank
TOPIC: Getting Your Affairs in Order to Guaranty that Desired Bank Loan Commitment
He spoke about the importance of gathering the right documents for a mortgage loan when you are looking to buy or refinance any type of real estate in New York. In just a quick, short 20 minutes you will discover that even with a “less than stellar” credit score you can still get financing and how you can even get 96.5% financing!
Jodi Topitz, interior designer
TOPIC: DIVORCE DECOR: Get Your Mojo Back Through Color and Design
If you or someone you know is going through a divorce or just ended their marriage, you might be finding it challenging to remove the painful memories from that past relationship and some of the reminders might be showing up at home. I will be talking about how to transition from an old space to a new space and showing how divorcees can navigate the emotional difficult transition through the positive use and application of color, furniture placement and room accessorizing. Through Jodi’s business, we2me, she spoke about how to use the art of aesthetic living creates that perfect space to encourage self discovery and emotional well being for women and men in transition.
Jeffrey A. Asher, Esq., a New York City trust and estate attorney
TOPIC: The Importance of Having a Will
Find out why one needs to have a Will and who should definitely have one. What happens to the distribution of your assets if you do not have a Will. Estate planning and Tax Planning.
Julie Arkush, Financial Advisor with Morgan Stanley
TOPIC: Taking Control of Your Financial Life After Divorce
If you have been divorced or are currently going through a divorce, you will want to hear this valuable information about managing your finances. Many couples who go through divorce see substantial damage to their credit, don’t know how to invest any lump sum payments made to them as a result of divorce only to find themselves penniless later, and don’t understand the benefit of utilizing a financial advisor.
Lori Winick and Leonard Gottlieb, real estate agents with Halstead Property
TOPIC: How Can Buyers Compete in this New Market?
If you are buyer and believe that it is still a “buyer’s market”, Lori and Leonard reveal the changes that have been happening in the marketplace and what you can do to position yourself to be the successful bidder. You’ll especially want to hear this call because you don’t want to get “gazumped” – and if you don’t know what that means, then you definitely want to listen in!
This is just a brief sampling of the kinds of topics and experts who have appeared as guests on Coffee Break with Sabra. So don’t miss the next one, which you can get access to simply by signing up here.
A message from your host, Sabra Sasson…
What is Coffee Break With Sabra?
It is a monthly informative program where busy people just like you get together via telephone conference to learn directly from a wide variety of busy business professionals, experts in their field, who lend us their valuable time and information. Coffee Break with Sabra was "born" out of the idea that I had when I was out meeting with colleagues of mine on a regular basis, usually over coffee, and inevitably there would be some idea or nugget of information that I just wished I could have recorded or captured and give to one of my clients. It was often something so pertinent to what was happening in my client's life and it was often spot-on. And if only my client was there at the meeting, my client would have exactly the information they needed to make certain decisions in their life. So, Coffee Break with Sabra, is my way of allowing you to be a fly on the wall during conversations that I have with the incredible professionals and experts that I meet on a regular basis. It is a way for me to bring their knowledge and expertise to you so that you don't miss out. The business experts selected for Coffee Break share with you, and me, important information, invaluable tips and strategies to ensure that you have the information that you need to make decisions in your day-to-day and at significant junctures in your life. Coffee Break with Sabra is for busy people, like you, going through life and the day-to-day who take a brief break to get answers to their questions in the areas of relationships, your money and finances, and real estate to learn from experts in a safe and confidential environment – from the comfort of your home or office. No need to carve out an hour or more out of your busy life/schedule. All you need is 20 minutes! Yes, in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee you can listen to any of our topics and get the information and valuable tips and advice. Attend from anywhere, your home, office, car, the park . . . anywhere. Just pick up your own cup of coffee and listen in virtually. No need to travel, find parking or dealing with annoyances or stresses.
Register today and don’t miss a single episode. Attend as many as you like – for Free
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